Monday, November 14, 2016

A (Grand) Father's Contemplations

As a dutiful grandfather I have, over my work desk, pictures of my grandchildren. It has been a delight and privilege to see this new generation as they are born and as they grow in the process of becoming what they will be. When our youngest grandchild was born recently his picture went up there with the rest receiving the place of honor of center stage as the newest grandchild. And so my attention is drawn to him as I sit at this desk and I begin thinking as I did with each of his cousins before.

He looks so innocent, so trusting, and so vulnerable and I begin to wonder what he will become. In a world that has so much disorder I tremble to think of all the temptations and pitfalls that lay before him. What kind of a man will he grow to be? What kinds of choices will he make? As I thought on this I was reminded of the following that my father wrote of his sons

                                A Father’s Contemplations

                                 Little boy, little son:
                                     Content upon my knee:
                                 I contemplate your future,
                                     And I wonder what you’ll be.

                                A doctor, lawyer, preacher:
                                     A boon to every man,
                                Or will you be a Satan’s scourge;
                                     Do evil when you can?

                                Will you develop character
                                     And strength and fortitude;  
                                Or will you live a careless life:
                                     A wasted interlude?

                                I pray that you will grow to be
                                     An upright man of God;
                                That you will dare to walk the path
                                     Our loving Savior trod.

                                I know whatever course you take:
                                     Whate’er you’re going to be,
                                All depends on a loving God,
                                     And His control of me.

As I read the above poem I realize it is in God’s hand that I commit this and each of my grandchildren, as  I committed their parents before them. God is faithful and  I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day (1 Timothy 1:12 ).God is not slack concerning His promises. I can trust Him.

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