Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Went For a Walk Today/Will This Cause Global Warming?

I went for a walk today, which is nothing new of late because I am currently responding to a challenge by my wife to have a healthier lifestyle. My goal started out as an attempt to lose weight (was I really up to 260 lbs.?) which required watching what I eat and getting more exercise. The exercise of choice is power walking with our dog, Pippin. I am currently up to around four miles a day. I have had success losing over 30 pounds. Pippin looks great!

However, in my desire to be a responsible world citizen, this exercise program brings me to a quandary . Might I be adding to global warming? If indeed carbon dioxide gas is a major cause of global warming as we are being led to believe, then my increased exercise might be adding to the problem. Here’s how I have it figured: If I walk four miles a day, that’s four miles worth of increased respiration and four miles worth of increased oxygen consumption and four miles worth of increased carbon dioxide emissions. To make matters worse, by taking Pippin with me, I’m causing her to do the same. How could I be so irresponsible? Wouldn’t it be better for me to abandon this health kick, gain the weight back, ignore the fact that I feel better with less weight (how could I be so selfish?), shorten my lifespan and thus decrease my carbon imprint on this earth?

For those of readers (all two of you) who think I have lost my mind at this point and will soon denigrate in to mindless ramblings, you may not be far from the truth. There is that danger here, for I do enjoy mindless ramblings, especially when I am the one doing the rambling. However, on the other hand (perhaps a greater danger here), there is a point to all this.

It should be obvious that all I have written up to this point is tongue in cheek, and that I do not hold the current politically correct conjectures concerning global warming in high regard. To say that I believe all the rhetoric advanced by the other side, would be not be accurate either. I do believe that it can be demonstrated that we do live in a period in which global temperature has warmed. I also believe that it can be equally demonstrated that our earth has gone through cycles of both global warming and global cooling and that we may just be at the warm end of one of those cycles. After all, in the 1970’s there were the concerns of global cooling. In any case, I have not seen any convincing evidence that there is anything man can do that will greatly affect natural temperature cycles. But then again, I may be burying my head in the sand as global warming enthusiasts would not doubt claim I am doing.

As a believer in Christ though, I see another side to all this. While I do believe that there is a need to live responsibly in this world God has given us, and if there is anything we can reasonably do to inhibit adverse climate change, then we should do it providing the evidence is clear (I’m not giving up my walks, though). However, global warming is not to me one of life’s major problems, spiritual cooling is. We do have a trend, not only in America but worldwide, where men are simply turning their backs on God. What has been declared sin according to God’s Word is now given legal status by the law of the land. Men who stand up for Biblical principles are denigrated and dismissed as bigots. Churches of every denomination, in an attempt to retain relevancy and stem declining attendance, embrace popular thought including that concerning global warming, neglecting the warnings that are real in Scripture and more important have ceased proclaiming the Gospel. Preachers who dare to insist that God’s judgment is coming are let go in favor of those who are more politically correct.
The truth of the matter is that the world is in decline both spiritually and physically. God created the earth perfectly, but according to Romans 8:21-23 all of creation is under the curse brought on because of man’s sin. Our world is deteriorating and will continue to do so until Jesus returns when global warming will be the least of man’s problems. The plagues described in the Book of Revelation are not to be seen as merely symbolic. God has promised to judge the earth. This world will dissolve (2 Peter 3:10) and a new (or renewed) earth will come into being (2 Peter 3:13). Sin, which is man’s rebellion, will be no more. All will be good. This is not mere conjecture, in that it has basis in God’s Word. If we are serious about the status of our planet we must heed the Bible’s warnings. What other book is there where it could be said (and backed up) that 100% of its prophecies describing events already taken place have come true? Why should we then doubt that the rest of what the Bible says is in store for this earth will take place as well?

If we were able to solve the issue of global warming, we have done little to save this earth from its ultimate destruction. As a believer in Christ I see the only solution to man's problems is found in the message of the Cross of Jesus Christ. It was on the Cross that He made the way for my salvation. It is the Cross that has become our banner for it shows us the evidence of God’s love. The message of the Cross (that men are sinners, Christ died for our sins, and that receiving Him brings eternal life) brings us the story of redemption which is for eternity. This world will pass away, but life in Christ is forever.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

End of The World?

Flash: The world did not end, my computer is back.

It seems that every time I turn around it picks up a virus and my computer goes down. In a time where conspiracy theories run rampant, new predictions of the end of the world surface daily and economic collapse is said to be imminent, I turn to my computer to help me regain some of the sanity I still have left. When it is not working, it is the end of the world (at least it seems that way to me). Maybe these computer viruses are indeed a part of a worldwide conspiracy to disrupt the normal flow of things, bringing a total economic collapse and along with it global warming. I don’t have any idea where it could all lead, but then I’m consumed with worry about whether or not I’ll ever get my first Social Security check if the budget impasse is not resolved in Washington. But now my computer is back and I can take comfort that at least something is going right-- at least until the next virus shuts it down again.

Tongue in cheek aside, it does appear that every time we turn around new conspiracies are being exposed, new predictions about the end of the world are made and more concerns bought about concerning issues of the environment, including global warming. To say we live in turbulent times is an extreme understatement. There is no question that things are rapidly changing. Case in point, ten years ago, my computer was not as important to my daily routine as it is now. Today, I receive my daily mail over it, I can do my work on it, I can even get instant news and weather reports on it, and more importantly, I can even find out who the Mets are going to trade next. Yes, things are indeed changing rapidly but, is all this change for the bad? Who knows?

When I engage in this line of thought, I realize that things are not as uncertain as they seem. There are answers to many of life’s questions even though not all will be made clear this side of Heaven. There is a Book which makes many predictions about things that are to come, and while many disagree concerning the meaning of the predictions in this Book, the outcome is clear. The end is in sight. However, the end is not an end at all, but a new beginning of a new Earth which will last for eternity. Someone has said it this way, “I’ve peeked at the end of the Book and guess what, we win”. While this statement in my opinion is overused, there is truth in it if the “we” mentioned is true believers in Christ.

There is no question that things are escalating around us. Changes are happening at a frightening pace. The end of things as we know it is coming. Whether it be in a few years or fifty, this one thing is certain, Jesus is coming. We don’t know the date. God does. We can have the assurance that He is in control even though things change, and even when my computer doesn’t work.

This writer can’t imagine how anyone taking an honest look at the current events in our world can deny the veracity of the Bible. It’s all there. The depravity of man, the propensity toward evil, but also the Grace of God, all described in this Book, are constantly being revealed in our modern world. Where can we turn but to the One Peter described as being the only One with the words of eternal life? “Neither is there salvation in any other, there is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved ( Acts 4:12)”. To the believer is the comforting thought that we are to cast all our care on Him (Jesus) for He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). I can rest assured even when things go wrong.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Why Do They Do This?

I recently made an expensive mistake. Again! I clicked on an email even though I should have known it was a fraud. But they made it look so important and after all who wouldn't want be drawn to answer an email from the IRS. Only afterward and my computer was shut down-- hijacked actually by a virus that promised to go away if I would subscribe to a computer fix-- did I remember that the IRS does not contact through email. I said "again" because I had a similar thing happen before. After telling myself how dumb I was and pledging never to fall for such a thing again, I had to fork out cash for a legitimate fix that has left my computer without all the programs I had on before causing me to take time to reinstall the necessities.

After I reacted to the "How dumb can I be?" question, I the began asking why people do such things as this. It's no question that the instigators of such a virus were trying to get something from me, either cash or my credit card info, or both. That they caused the problem in the first place, does not seem to affect their conscience. Is what they did illegal? Probably so, but to my knowledge, I have no way to catch them and prove what they did. Maybe they would have fixed my computer if I had paid them the cash, maybe they would have just taken my credit info and run with it for as far as they could. I don't know.

This experience reminded me about the world we live in. Sin is rampant. People are unconcerned with what they do to others as long as they come out ahead. However, do they come out ahead? There is a saying, "What goes around, comes around", meaning how I treat others will come back to affect me. While this is a secular saying, there is a biblical basis to it. Galatians 6:7 says,"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." While, I do take some comfort that the instigators of my recent computer woes won't really get away with it in the long run, there is a larger issue here. What happens here on earth only affects us temporarily. My computer is fixed,  I'll recover. But eternity is forever.

In 1964, a tragedy hit our family. My oldest brother was killed in an auto accident caused by a drunk driver. Talk about indignation, anger and a desire for revenge. My father certainly had from a human standpoint the right to all of these. He made a request of these authorities at the time, and I don't know if it was honored or not. Dad asked that he be allowed to visit in the hospital the men responsible for this terrible accident. But Dad did not seek to vent his anger on them, or seek revenge in any manner. He wanted to share with them the Good News about Jesus Christ. The actions of these men had cost my Dad his son, but Dad wanted to give them heaven.

So now when I commiserate on the problems I attribute to others, I need to get such an eternal point of view. Time here is too short to waste being bitter. God sent His Son to redeem a lost world. I may regret a monetary loss, but God will provide (He already did). I need to seek to concentrate on the message of the Cross. I no longer have to pay for the deeds I have done (we all have fallen short of God's perfect standard). Jesus paid it all. My debt has been paid. I just have to receive His forgiveness by receiving Him into my life.

As I write this I don't know who may read it, but whoever reads this, there is one thing I can guarantee. You have problems. People have disappointed you or will do so. Life is too short, but eternity is forever. I beg you to consider the claims of Christ. I beg you to read His Word (start with the book of John). Receive Him into your life: John 1:12 and all will be different.