Wednesday, August 25, 2010

To Believe or Not Believe

I've been looking at exerpts from Dave Hunt's Book Cosmos, Creator and Human Destiny in which
he answers the challenges of the New Athiests. While reading these exerpts, I thought of those that I know that prefer the teachings of science over the teachings of the Bible. I long to convince them that the real issue is not correctness of thought, but where they will spend eternity. Whatever one thinks about the origins of the universe, one must not miss the happenings at Calvary. The presence of wickedness in this world cannot be denied. Only the Bible has an explanation for it: It is sin that has resulted as men decided to disobey God. Only the Bible has a solution for this sin: God's Son went to Calvary to pay our sin debt so that " many as receive Him should become the sons of God..."

I look forward to reading more of Dave Hunt's book. It is my firm desire that many skeptics will read it also and become convinced of their need of the one and only Savior, Jesus Christ. If only they would come to see the joy that is available at Calvary.

The following was first posted on our church's website. I think it worth reposting on this blogsite.

Originally posted on Lighthouse Bible Church website--Pastor’s blog 12/30/09

To Believe Or Not To Believe:
That Is The Question

The question has come to me from an indirect source, “How can one reconcile one’s knowledge of Science with a sincere belief in the Bible?” or put another way “how can one believe in God in light of all that Science has shown us to be true?” The ready answer so often given is that the Bible does not conflict with true Science but only “science so falsely called” (I Timothy 6:20). In other words, where the facts of Science are truly verified there is no conflict with the Bible. Where Science is still only theory even though widely accepted, there can be and often is, conflict.

Let’s take a deeper look at this answer for a moment. There probably is no greater area of disagreement between accepted Science than in the area of the Earth’s beginnings. Those who accept Evolution as fact state that what we have before us today in our world, took billions or even trillions of years to form and evolve. Those of us who take the Bible’s account literally, believe that the Earth (as well as the whole universe) was created in seven days some ten thousand years ago. There can’t be a much bigger conflict than this. The one point of view looks at the current processes in place and makes predictions as to how long it would take for these processes to form the world (and universe) as we see it today. This is known as the principle of Uniformitarianism. The Idea that the world was created pretty much “as is” is known as Creationism. While the majority view in Science is the Uniformitarian view, there are accredited scientists (although often maligned by the majority) that favor the Creationist (or young Earth) point of view. Scientists from both points of view cite physical evidence that their way of thinking is right.

Can either point of view be proven scientifically? In actuality? No. The Scientific Principles that Science is based upon requires hypotheses that can be tested. Since no one can go back ten thousand or trillions of years, what we have scientifically is best guesses as to how the earth actually came into being. This is not to say Science is worthless. While the scientific advances we have seen in this last generation is mind boggling, this does not prove that all scientists are correct in their theories. Just look at the fact that even Evolutionists cannot agree on everything.

The truth is, theories of the origin of the universe cannot be proven scientifically but are formed as a best fit of the observations of things that can be currently tested in our present day world. The conclusions that are formed, depend on basic assumptions. This is why someone who does not believe there is an all powerful Creator sees a universe that has developed over a long period of time, while the person who believes the Bible to be the basis of all truth, sees the handiwork of God everywhere.

The Book of Romans discusses this very point when it says that the created world around us is proof of God’s existence (Romans 1:20). Men (Romans chapter one continues) were created with knowledge of God but have lost this because of unbelief which is a refusal to accept God’s authority in their lives (Romans 1:21 and following verses). Evolution and Creationism are both logical systems that follow basic points of view of an all powerful Creator. Thus it is not a matter of who is truly educated and who is ignorant, but whether one accepts or rejects God. We can throw insults around, but that gets us nowhere.

It is almost universally accepted that the Bible is an extraordinary book. Its influence is still strong after many years. There have been many cases over the centuries where unbelievers studied the Bible to prove it wrong, ending up embracing its truth. The Bible is the strongest evidence of God’s existence. However, the Bible never goes about to prove the existence of God. It just assumes it (In the beginning God…[Genesis 1:1]). Yet there of those of us who stand on the Bible’s truths daring to prove its trustworthiness and have never been let down. We are constantly challenged by the statement, “No one can really know”. The answer, however, is given in John 1:12: “But as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God even to them who believe on His name”. The issue is not whether I can convince anyone scientifically of the existence of God. The real issue is whether or not that person will receive Him into his life because only by receiving will he really know as God works within him. The new life God brings He brings will be proof enough.

Here is a final challenge to any who might read this. The only way you can really know the reality of God is to examine His claims as given in His Word the Bible. Start reading the life of Jesus, because the whole of the Bible is about how God sent Him to reconcile men to God. Start with the Gospel of John or Mark. Consider what Jesus did on the Cross for you.

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