A while back my wife and I
decided we could save money by going to an internet based phone. In truth it
has saved us quite a bit considering it is about one half the cost of a regular
land based phone. Generally, the phone works very well, with no detectable differences from what we had before through the phone company. There is however
one thing it does that is very annoying. From time to time the phone stops
working sometimes in the middle of a call. While this doesn't happen too often the drop in
service is disruptive because it, as you might expect, comes at an inconvenient
time--we either are expecting a call or are in need of making one (Isn't this
stating the obvious—if we didn't need to use the phone we would never notice
it wasn't working would we?) After several calls to technical support, using my
cell phone hoping that the cell call doesn't drop due to the fact we have poor cellular
signals in our area, I learned that the problem is that the internet phone
device from time to time simply loses the signal and needs to reboot.
Today was one of those days. We
were expecting an important call. The phone rang. We answered but there was
nothing—no sound—no busy signal—no anything. I called technical support using my the
cell phone huddling close to the cell signal booster. The friendly technician
told me what I already knew; the problem was not in the internet system but in
my receiver I just had to reboot. When I told him I had already done that and
the phone still wasn't working, he gave me the old leveler, “How long have you
waited? With the phone box you have it can take up to forty-five minutes for
the system to reacquire the necessary signal.” Ignoring the fact that
forty-five minutes does not seem to me to be a reasonable amount of time to be
without a dependable phone, I waited the
prescribed amount of time and sure enough the signal was reacquired and once
again we were connected to the outside world with a working “land” phone--which
is so much better than the tin cans on strings you find featured on soup
commercials (the fact that any one would buy soup from a company too cheap to
use real phones is beyond me, but that is an issue for another day).
While this was going on with the
phone, I got to thinking (which is something I should do more often I guess) of
some spiritual applications to all this. And when I got to thinking I thought
of the old formula of how we sometimes lose our connection to our Heavenly
Father. We try to reconnect and there seems to be nothing there—no sound—no busy
signal—no anything. The problem of course, like our phone is not in the system but something on our end of things. As was the case with our phone, Something
has interrupted the signal; we have to reacquire the signal; we have to reboot.
The I began to draw analogies, thinking (all
this thinking can give one a headache you know) of what causes us to lose our
spiritual signal. What causes us to lose touch with God? While there is no shortage of
answers, simply put, time and again, we get distracted due to circumstances in
our lives and come to the point where we take our eyes off the One Who can
handle all those circumstances, leaving us to try to work things out on our
own. The resulting feelings of discouragement and desertion lead all too often
to questions of whether God really does care. Our attempts to reconnect—to reboot—can
seem so futile when we try to re-establish a relationship often long in a state of
It can take time to reconnect
with God. While it is best not to lose connection in the first place, we need
to look at what has drawn our attention away from Him. In a world where so many
things pull away from the knowledge of God, we need to note these and consistently take
time to truly seek Him, spending time in his Word and in prayer, opening
ourselves up to His instruction and leading. Only then will we be able to know
His presence when things around us do not make sense. But in order to do
this we need to reexamine our priorities. Circumstances can and will
continually get such a hold of us when these are not right. As long as our
priorities revolve around ourselves and not Him we will never be satisfied and
are open to broken communication and the destructive domination of
circumstances. The answer lies in who is in control of our lives. Only when we willingly
submit to His Lordship will we have our priorities right. Accordingly, when we
feel circumstances in control and separated from God, we need to reboot by
examining ourselves, confess where we have gone wrong and turn it all over to
Jesus. The rest will follow.