Thursday, January 26, 2012

How Do I Know If God Has Chosen Me?

“How do I know if God has chosen Me?” This is a question that came up recently and is something addressed before on this blog, but well worth the revisit. In that, this question is closely tied to “What must I do to be saved?” and the whole issue of predestination, it is important to look at what the Bible says about , what it means to be saved, how we are saved, who does the saving and what part we have in this if any.

The phrase” to be saved”, implies that one is delivered from something. So when the Philippian jailor in Acts 16, asked, “What must I do to be saved?” he was in a tight spot and fearing he would be held accountable for the loss of prisoners [read the account], he called out to the Apostle Paul for counsel. Paul’s answer is particularly attention-grabbing in that it seemingly ignores the immediate circumstances and addresses a deeper issue. While according to Roman law, a jailor would have to serve the sentence in the place of any prisoner lost in his care, this jailor was in no immediate danger for none of his prisoners had escaped. Paul realized however, this man still needed deliverance from a peril greater than the consequences of having lost prisoners. He needed deliverance from sin—its consequences and its power. It is clear that this is what Paul had in view when he answered, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and thy house [Acts 16:31].”

The whole message of the Bible is about how Man fell into sin and how God provided His Son to make reconciliation so Men can be saved from sin. John 3:16 described it so well, ”For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.” I John 4:10 adds, “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” The word propitiation indicates that Jesus paid the price completely and that salvation comes from the finished work at Calvary and not of works on our part [Ephesians 2:8,9]. It is one hundred percent God’s doing and none of our own. Where Man’s sin brought death, God’s work at the Cross of Calvary brings life to all who will believe.

Believing, from a biblical viewpoint, is not merely making an affirmation to the fact that Jesus died for our sins but includes receiving Jesus into one’s life. John 1:12 tells us that power to become the sons of God comes when we receive Jesus. I Corinthians 15 also includes the word receive concerning belief. What then do we receive? Consider this, sin came to the human race when Adam and Eve succumbed to the temptation to be their own gods [Genesis 3:6]. To receive the Gospel is to receive Jesus into one’s life and to be reconciled to the God we have rejected. To receive Jesus means to affirm Him as one’s Lord.

However, an objection comes up from some at this point in this discussion that to receive Jesus as Lord is a work that is only possible as God does it within one’s life. The Bible is clear that Man is powerless to save Himself and that “There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God [Romans 3:11].” The question is who then can be saved, to which Romans 10:13 answers, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”. Who can be saved? Those “Whosoevers” that will call. But how can they call when Man does not have it in him to call, i.e., to receive and believe? Jesus gives the answer, ”No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day [John 6:44]”. In other words, salvation comes when we are drawn by the Father and we receive His Son believing in Him.

God calls and we receive. Consider Romans 8:28,29: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.” It is clear from these verses that God calls and predestinates those who will be saved. It is God’s choice. Who then does God choose? Those that will call on him—the Whosoevers. But, according to one line of thought, that since man has not the strength to call upon God on his own and that God must draw him, giving him the ability to call, that God singles out who will and who will not be saved. Furthermore, this line of thinking adds, a sinner can only be saved if God overrides the sinner's will and saves him. However this flies in the face of the statement that “God so loved the world that He gave…” as well as the many open invitations to the “whosoevers” we find in the pages of Scripture. This writer affirms that while God draws men to Christ and gives us the ability to choose, He does not force His will on us. God does the enabling, this is grace. We are saved when we accept His grace, but it is God Who does the saving.

All this and now back to the original question, “How can I know God has chosen me?” The answer is, are you a “whosoever who will call”? In other words do you desire to be saved? Will you ask Jesus into your heart? The invitation is open to those who will come. If you will come then it is clear that God has called you. Come. God will do the rest, even providing the faith you need. Come. Trust His promise. Trust His love.

[You are welcome to comment see below]

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

To Blog Or Not ...

There are times I sit here ready to blog, but I find that I can’t think of something new to blog about. So should I blog anyway, rambling on and then trying to make some sense of it adding some humor along the way, just so I can say that I blogged? The problem is, neither my writing skills nor my cleverness is strong enough to carry such a feat off with enough success to encourage readers to come back for another read. And so, here I sit without a clear topic in mind wondering whether or not to blog.

Then I consider how many others are doing the same thing. Whether it is a blog or some other form of communication, so many we hear opinions, rants, and rages from those who ramble on without something clear to say. Some apparently just like to hear their own voices or enjoy seeing their words in print. However, who do we impress when we have no meaning to our words? We are like a poorly written [as most of them are] TV commercial drawing attention to a product that is worthless.

Then again, the longer I sit here the more I see there is a topic that is emerging in my mind and that is I ought not to waste my time on meaningless matters. However, there is Someone who wrote something meaningful to us many years ago; Someone who wanted us to know what life is all about. His wasn’t just a meaningless blog of opinions and loosely related facts, because He is the Creator Who knows what is really important. He didn’t just rant against the deeds and opinions of others, He told us what we can do to have life and that abundantly. Of course I’m talking about God and His Word, the Bible.

Of course there are some who will say, “Isn't this just another example of your meaningless ramblings? No one can take the Bible seriously today. It is just a lot of outdated ideas put together by men from another time. It may have been useful once but has long outlived its time.” However, is having a good relationship with one’s neighbors irrelevant? Is having a healthy marriage irrelevant? Is having love, joy and peace irrelevant? Is having a right relationship with one’s Creator irrelevant? It’s all in the pages of this one special book. The charge that the Bible was written by mere men fades when one reads its words with an open mind.

To those who read the Bible and seek to understand it, there are precious promises to be found. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” The meaning is that God’s Word is alive and that anyone reading it cannot do so without being changed. Either he will allow its truths to transform his life or he will harden himself against it. Either way he will not be the same.

God’s Word is alive. Some may doubt this thinking there is no way to put it to a test, and reject its elevancy because they are unwilling to trust something that cannot be proven scientifically. Consequently, they put aside the way God is talking to us today, and in so doing they then conclude that God is silent, and that is because He probably doesn’t exist. In this way they are like the three year old who puts her hands over her ears when her mommy is telling her something she doesn’t want to hear. Her mommy is telling this for her own good, but she has a will of her own and doesn’t want to hear. Consequently, she will suffers the consequences of not listening possibly the results of failing to heed a specific warning.

There is a way to know the Truth of God’s Word and that is to read it. However it must be read with an open mind and not with one’s preconceived notions or the motive to prove it wrong. God’s Word makes the claim that it is alive. Can we expect that it will do as it says? Will you read it asking the living God to reveal Himself to you through its pages? [A good place to start is one of the four Gospels and the Book of Romans]. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

P.S. If you have read this blog and have been affected by it in some way, or just want to comment, you are invited to do so on the comment section below.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Eternal Life Insurance

As I sat next to my friend in Junior Church he sang, “Blessed Insurance, the premium’s paid”. He was a smart-alecky seventh grader to whom we all looked up (he was six foot four), and he often went out of his way to demonstrate his cleverness. To sing the old hymn in this way was just the latest expression of his talents. However it was meant, the incident has stuck with me, reminding me of how many Christians think concerning their relationship with God. “Heaven is secure, Jesus paid it all, He is my eternal life insurance, so I don’t have to sweat it”. But if there has been no genuine repentance, only a shallow relationship results. This so often denegrates into anger and bitterness when God fails to perform according to my personal desires.

The Gospels begin with John’s, which later became Jesus’, message, “Repent”. Today we are reluctant to use that word with the fear that it might be considered works. However, the meaning of the word is far from works. It means doing an about face and heading in the opposite direction. In the context of salvation, to repent means to turn from self sufficiency to the One Who died to save us all. God tells us in His Word we are to receive Jesus into our lives (John 1:12). To receive Him is to acknowledge His Lordship. To do less is for us to remain in the bonds of our sinful flesh.

“I did a complete 360,” was the testimony I once heard on the radio. I have often remarked since that this means the person making the statement is right back where she started. And while I chuckle at the misuse of the expression, I realize this is where many Christians are. We became convinced of our need for a Savior, and prayed a prayer evidencing our need, but are right back where we started with self on the throne of our lives. We expect God to come at our beck and call, but haven’t really given the throne of our hearts to Him as Lord. Consequently, we do not grow in our relationship with Him and as a result our faith is stunted, resulting in constant disappointment when God does not do according to our expectations.

As a pastor, I have had the opportunity to talk to people about their faith. So often I have heard something to the tune of, “I prayed all that [the sinner’s prayer], but nothing happened”. My usual response has been, “But what did you expect? Don’t base your faith on a feeling. If you prayed and truly meant it then God has done His part and you are saved.” However, I am beginning to see there is more to say about this. I now think we need to ask people what they really prayed for. Were they praying just so they can go to heaven [not a wrong motivation]? Were they praying to be relieved of some unpleasant circumstance [again, not a wrong motivation]? Or were they praying, realizing their rebellion against God, repenting of this and turning their lives over to Him?

I am convinced that most Christians have a false notion concerning sin. We tend to define it in terms of what we do rather than what we are. In the Garden of Eden, Eve was seduced by the temptation to “be as God.” As a result, we have all sought each one to be his own god ever since. We do, as is says repeatedly in the book of Judges, “What is right in (our) own eyes”. This is what is called being at enmity with God for it usurps His authority. Salvation comes when I finally surrender, giving myself over to Him, trusting what He did on the Cross for me, placing myself in His hands. While circumstances may not change, I have changed and I have His promises to sustain me. Anything less is a powerless salvation which changes little.

The skeptic says there is no proof that God exists. The truly born-again believer replies that He lives in me, and that is proof enough. But unless we show the evidence of changed lives, how can we expect the world to be convinced? Change comes when we turn from ourselves to the God who loved enough to send His Son for us. Salvation comes when we receive the Lord Jesus Christ. Change comes when we release ourselves into His hands trusting His mercy and grace.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year: Will 2012 Be Better?

A new year has begun. Much has been the talk about putting the old behind us and starting again with a fresh start. Indeed for many of us 2011 was a rough year, and we would like it to be so that we can forget the old and start new. For this writer personally 2011 was like a roller coaster ride with plenty of ups and downs. There was the long arduous task of getting a mortgage (low), in order to purchase our “new” home (high). There were employment uncertainties including deep cut backs in a part-time job (low), then the opportunity for my wife to work from home (high). Then there was Hurricane Irene. When I look back on it, 2011 was certainly not boring. It would have been nice if it were possible to cut out the lows and keep the highs of the year. I, at this point, as most of you, wonder if there is any reason to think that 2012 will be any better. Now that January has arrived, can we expect a fresh new start?

I also wonder if a fresh start is actually possible. After all, the problems of 2011 are still continuing. We’re still recovering from Irene. Bills continue to mount up. Our politically divided Congress appears at best dysfunctional. Presidential elections loom. Economic conditions are still very uncertain worldwide. There is political unrest throughout the globe. It seems there is no fresh start but a continuation of the same old, same old. So where is the euphoria of New Years Eve, and why the celebrations of New Years Day? Doesn’t the Mayan calendar tell us the world is about to end this year? Is there any room for optimism?

The scary thing is that what I have written above, except for the Mayan part, is true. If this was all that I had to go on I would be depressed. There is no reason to believe that 2012 will be any better than 2011, unless I consider God in the equation. Men will disappoint. Men will destroy. Men will fail to make things better. If I look to what men will do, there really is no hope. Just look to what men have accomplished up to this point. Things aren’t getting better but progressively getting more complicated and difficult. The solution, and there is one, is to be found in God, not men. The sooner our society sees this, the sooner we will have a real recovery, economic and otherwise.

Only the God of the Bible can promise us a new start. Matthew 11:28 tells us, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” What a wonderful promise for the new year. God is in control. He has never left. All He asks is that we come to Him receiving His Son Jesus Christ (John 1:12) In addition, 2 Corinthians 5:17 states,” Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Only in Christ Jesus is there this new start. If I am in Him I need not fear the days ahead. While I may not know what may happen then, I do know my heavenly Father does know because He is already there. I also know He loves me and will provide all my needs. I just need to trust His love. What I can’t understand is the determination of many to proceed ahead without Him. This, I believe is recklessness to the fullest degree.

There is an element of our society that argues that the existence of God has never been proven, and that truly intelligent people will reject His existence. Such individuals look at Nature and can only marvel at the wonders brought about by Chance, bringing order out of chaos, contrary to natural law. The Bible believing Christian looks at Nature and marvels at the order God has made. Who is truly the ignorant one? The one who denies natural law or the one who looks to faith to expain those things only faith can explain [Hebrews 11:1-3: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good report. 3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.]. One can argue all He wants concerning the existence of God, but he will never know until he humbles himself at the foot of the old rugged Cross of Calvary. Self sufficiency will not cut it in these days of uncertainty. We need a Savior. This is Christ, the Lord. Only in Him do I find the certainties that enable me to keep on going on optimism. [And by the way, the Mayans are wrong, the world will not end for at least 1007 years (read the books of Daniel and Revelation)].